Events, Events, Events….
Presenting to the crowd
The launch is over. The second printing of the book is being produced and I am immersed in the business of getting the book out there. My head is swimming with Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter. How do you compete for people’s attention, which is pulled in so many directions?
One thing I have learned over my 25 years raising money for the social work agency I ran, is that people like to support people they know. And that has been true with my book as well. Several hundred people I know from all parts of my life came to my online book launch and most of them bought the book. And now people are reading the book, loving it, putting up reviews on GoodReads and Amazon, giving the book for holiday gifts and inviting me to have online conversations with their book clubs, and their community groups. All and any of the above are appreciated.
Here are the ways I am connecting with readers near and far:
Book Clubs, private. Members love having conversations with the author of books they are reading. And authors, like me, love talking to their readers.
Book Clubs on Facebook. There are hundreds of Facebook book clubs where members share recommendations for books. Some of them have events online where readers can chat with the author. They are, of course, open to the public.
Book Talks and Author Interviews are sponsored by larger community groups with Q&A chats with participants. They are particularly popular during this age of Covid. Zoom, Facebook and Youtube are the most popular vehicles for these events.
Interview shows on Facebook and podcasts.
Next week I have four events…two private book clubs, a Roundtable discussion with Sharifah Hardie on Facebook (link below) and a community book discussion. What I love is there are no geographical barriers. I have scheduled a community event in Atlanta in February and a book club in Merida, Mexico in December.
Here are the events we have scheduled so far.
Do you have, or know of, a book club in your town? Invite me. Cost is free and distance is no obstacle. I’d love to connect with you and your friends in any way you would like. Questions? Use the contact link below. And, as always, thank you for your support and encouragement.